In the Netherlands there is a lot to do around nuclear power. The government has an ambitious programme for the 'Energy Transition'. In it, there is room for nuclear power. Investors and innovators are not sitting still either. The decisiveness and unanimity seem greater than ever. In short, time to get informed!
NPPs Netherlands |
NPP Borssele operated by EPZ, 70% share PZEM, 30% share ERH B.V. |
NPP Dodewaard, in safstore |
Electricity utilities with NPPs |
PZEM, shareholder EPZ, NL |
Rsearch institutes in NL regarding radiation and nuclear |
Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG), facilites in Petten en Arnhem |
Nuclear innnovation pagine by NRG |
Reactor Instituut Delft (RID) |
RIVM, Governmental health-related institute (radiation is just a minor share of the work) |
Facilities for nuclear R&D |
NRG has many nuclear installations in Petten and additional technical facilities in Arnhem, NL |
Hoger Onderwijs Reactor, TU Delft |
Consultancy & operational support regarding radiation and nuclear |
Ensuring Nuclear Performance pages by NRG about consultancy, licensing- & operational support and other services |
Radioactive waste and decommissioning in the NL |
COVRA is the national organisation for collecting and storing radioactive waste in the NL |
NRG provides R&D & consultancy regarding waste management and decommissioning |
R&D regarding 'decommissioning' |
Fuel cycle facilities in the NL |
Urenco (NL), uraniumverrijking en isotoopproductie voor o.a. medische doeleinden |
Nuclear medicine |
Curium pharma, largest producer / distributer of radioisotopes for the medical sectors in EU |
NRG, together with partners, main producer of radioisotopes, operating the High Flux Reactor in Petten |
Advancing Nuclear Medicine website about innovations and nuclear-medical facilities in Petten, NL |
Important ministries, NL |
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) |
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken & Koninkrijksrelaties |
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken |
Ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat |
Ministerie van Sociale Zaken &Werkgelegenheid |
ANVS, Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming ANVS is the Competent Regulatory Body for nuclear technology and applications of ionising radiation. Tasks: licensing, oversight and enforcement. |